Buteyko Institute of Breathing & Health
Welcome to the official website of the Buteyko Institute of Breathing & Health (BIBH) representing the international professional association for the Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) of breathing retraining and its practitioners.
What can Breathing Retraining help with? click here
The BIBH and its member practitioners are committed to assisting to relieve signs and symptoms of asthma, sleep disordered breathing and other breathing-related conditions, through application of BIM breathing retraining.
On this site you will find contact details for practitioners, related articles, relevant scientific research and general information about the Buteyko Institute of Breathing & Health (BIBH), and Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) of breathing retraining.
You will also find contact details for practitioner trainers, if you are interested in becoming a Buteyko Institute member and practitioner.
- research, development, promotion and application of the Buteyko Institute Method
- setting standards for the training of new BIM practitioners
- professional development of accredited members
- liaising with government, health and educational bodies
- providing information to members of the public
- maintaining standards of education and the training of BIBH practitioners
There are currently BIBH practitioners teaching the BIM in several countries. Each practitioner has satisfied the practical and academic requirements for accreditation with the BIBH. Accredited practitioners have a BIBH registration number and are entitled to use the initials MBIBH signifying “Member of the Buteyko Institute of Breathing & Health”.
BIBH Organisation Legal status and Registrations
– Australian Incorporated Association (Registered No. A 2872)
– Australian Registered Body (ARBN 099 325 336)
– Australian Business Number (ABN 82 441 701 871) – Buteyko Institute Trust (a registered charity in the UK, April 2001)
– Australian Taxation Office endorsement as an Income Tax Exempt Charitable Entity (13 May 2002)
– Australian Taxation Office endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient (12 August 2002)
– Registration with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) (March 2013)
– Registration of Trade m arks for the Buteyko Institute Method in Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand
– ISO 9001 Quality Management System Registration, Certificate No. FS 611029 – May 2014 to May 2017
Professor KP Buteyko
Professor KP Buteyko became patron of the BIBH in December 2000 following his attendance as the Keynote speaker at the inaugural BIBH International Asthma Conference, New Zealand.
He remained our patron until his death in May 2003.
The BIBH respectfully acknowledges Professor Buteyko for his work and research, which continues to restore health to many.